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England Tree Action Plan : Woodland Creation Planning Grants - a role for the profession?

Robin Gray

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New to connect. New as Landscape & Woodland Design Advisor working for the Forestry Commission in England ( although writing here as a LI Member rather than an official capacity). I wonder how aware we are as a profession of the UK Forest Standard and it's reference  to landscape outlining the value of landscape and our seven forest design principles? We maybe should be more aware....and that is my ( day) job. Schemes seeking consent from the Forestry Commission should be expecting to reference local landscape character in it's tangible and intangible senses including 'spirit of place' , visual ( shape, landform, unity) and wider landscape sense including referencing value for ecology and historic environment....it should be an excellent opportunity for the profession to work alongside other professions with landowners at a time when we may see significant landscape-scale change in the countryside. Where does the profession seek to position itself ? Thought about approaching land agents or foresters in your area? Feel free to post your examples of woodland creation or experience of woodland creation on a landscape-scale.  Robin Gray CMLI 

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