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Comparative information about air-pollution control and oxygenating properties of various plant species

Guest Christopher Browne

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Guest Christopher Browne

PLease advise me where comparative information may be available about the oxygenating properties of various plant genera, and also their properties of air-pollution control.

I shall be very grateful for any advice or guidance. Thank you. Christopher Browne / christopherbr@waitrose.com / 01722.331972 .

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Dear Christopher, Maybe of help are

Re O2 production:

Suresh Ramanan Sundaram  et al ‘Oxygen production potential of trees in urban areas: a reality check?’ Current Science  September 2021 121(5), pp.622-625. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354435988_Oxygen_production_potential_of_trees_in_urban_areas_a_reality_check

Re Air pollution removal

Alessio Russo, Wing Tung Chan  and Giuseppe T. Cirella  ‘Estimating Air Pollution Removal and Monetary Value for Urban Green  Infrastructure Strategies Using Web-Based Applications’  Land July 2021 10, 788   https://doi.org/10.3390/land10080788  


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