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Slowing The Flow In Towns - SuDS event, Todmorden 17th Aug 6-9pm

Amanda McDermott

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Hi all, I've added this as 'an event', but not sure yet how best to use this forum and who gets notified of what, so thought I'd post here too, I think p2c students might get a lot out of it...

Join NFM Charity Slow The Flow on Wednesday 17th August 6-9pm for an informative evening with experts on Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).

Guest speakers will showcase inspirational landscape from our region and abroad, as well as give updates on plans and support for SuDS available locally. There will be a Q+A session, where you can bring your questions for the panel.

We’ll also have drinks and nibbles, networking, a chance to look at the exhibition, and will be handing out the fabulous prizes for our quiz, to celebrate the fantastic summer we’ve had with our touring roadshow!

Please get a FREE eventbrite ticket at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/slowing-the-flow-in-towns-tickets-386984379697?aff=ebdsoporgprofile, so that we can get catering numbers right.

And of course please share with anyone you think might be interested!



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