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size of kerbside/parallel parking spaces?

Amanda McDermott

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Hello, I'm trying to find some recent guidance for size (in particular, length) of normal kerbside parking bays and struggling! Hoping someone here might just have it at their fingertips please?

I've found in a couple of places that disabled bays should be 6.6m long, but what about normal 'parallel' bays? Seen 6.1m in an old (1999) AJ Metric handbook, but is that too short nowadays? We want to be sensible but not over generous (it's a scheme about encouraging walking and cycling really). 1.8m width seems to pop up in a few places, so we'll assume that.

If anyone has a definitive and recent reference, please share!

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Guest Lewis White CMLI retired

Hi Amanda,

 In a car park, a normal "end on" car parking bay used to be 2.4 m wide x 4.8m long, but with today's larger vehicles, 2.5 w x 5m long might seem to be sensible, but clearly, fewer spaces will probably  result.       I just Googled and found a 2016 ( quite old now , admitedly) document by the British Parking Association, and another of 2019 by the AA.

It seems that only parking bays for "Blue Badge holders" is regulated nationally.

- see        www.britishparking.co.uk/write/Documents/Library 2016/Bay_Sizes_-_Jul_2016.pdf          www.theaa.com/breakdown-cover/advice/parking-space-size

I would do an informal survey in the local high street and supermarket car park, and measure a few bays (wearing a hi viz of course !)  My guess is that you will find that many cars are longer and wider ---and bulge out into the road beyond the white lines on a 1.8 m wide on street bay. 

Good luck !  and please do not count my response as up to date or authoritative, as it is neither !  Regards  Lewis White CMLI retired


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Thanks for your reply Lewis.

I'd found the same, only specifics seem to be for 'Blue Badge' spaces, and what there is, is dated. I agree, we try to specify 5x2.5m spaces for normal bays, cars are getting bigger...

The question was specifically about 'kerbside' spaces really, and what dimensions anyone has found to work well for those - you need a longer space for parking on-street, to manoeuvre in, but how much longer?!

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  • 3 months later...

Normal dimensions for parallel parking spaces in new developments in Bracknell are 6m long x 2.4m wide, or 2.7m wide if it could become an allocated disabled parking space.


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Thanks Graham - have you tried parking in one, is this a comfortable length? And does the width feel over generous, given that in the 'kerbside' situation there are no parked cars either side, or do you feel 2.4m width is necessary?

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I'm trying to find where the sizes are stated in the Parking SPD or Streetscene SPD.  6m should be enough if the ends of the bay are splayed at 45 deg (in addition to the 6m length).  I tried parking in some on a recent development with 90 deg kerbs at the ends enclosing planted build-outs, and they were really awkward!

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