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LI Connect nearly impossible to find, no wonder there's not much activity on here

Amanda McDermott

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Hello, trying to find LI connect forum, having had a mind blank and temporarily forgotten its name, was nigh-on impossible. Hard to expect members to engage with it if it's so poorly advertised.

I had expected it to be available via a link on the LI homepage, and certainly on my member page once I'd logged in, and on LI Campus, and in the Vista email somewhere, but I couldn't see a link to it anywhere, and had to remember its name and then find an old LI Connect email to follow the link.

Please advertise it better to members, and provide links from the websites where one would expect to find it?

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Only 354 members today. And as you say Amanda difficult to find and access. No engagement of Landscape Institute officers, as far as I can see. Very little discussion and very much worse for Pathway members as a service than Talking Landscapes was (who were the main users). The Institute gives the impression of wishing to damp down on discussion and exchange between members, it does not permit branches to email all their members (only the minority who have opted to receive branch emails); its asserts branch reps represent their "region" not the branch committees and members). Oh dear ... all in all; an object lesson in how a professional institute can fight below its weight.

Edited by Robert Holden
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If you took Amanda and Robert out of the equation, there'd be hardly any activity! (Slight exaggeration, but it makes a point!)  Most of the regional branch threads have no posts since December 2021, but there must be other forms of communication going on that could be copied to LI Connect as well.  

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  • 1 year later...

Agree that it is not easy to find stuff! Just tried the links on the attached image and they no longer work. Talking Landscapes has obviously been phased out a few years ago now. So why hasn't the website been updated?! Wish the forum was more active and need more support for P2C.


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